Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hello everyone! I hope you´re very well. I thing that I would say that I´m very active in general, and I have very energy for made many things. When I don´t stay studying, I am doing two activities in outdoors. The football is my passion. Is the thing most important apart of my studies and the second thing that a do: dance Zumba fitness and Latin rhythms.
I started play soccer since five years ago, when my brother started couch me. Zumba started in my life this year, when the teacher invited me to dance for an event to fitness. I practice football four or five time for week, and three times for week with Zumba
I like this because I feel happy when I play or dance. This sensation that made a goal, and kick whit all your energy, is incredible! And about Zumba, I love this sensation when you are dancing and you move your body with passion and all your energy and you laugh and enjoy the choreography, the mistakes, all!  Now I´m part of Juan Gómez Millas´s Selection. Is a Futbolito´s team that represents all campus. Is great thing that you play for many people.

See you!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Old Song...

In my life, the music was a very good friend in my most important moments. the songs of the past, of my past, was something like “the past sentence you”. I loved the latin music and pop music, so I listened songs for dancing or enjoy with my friends. the song that I choose is “1, 2, 3” by El Símbolo, a popular latin music group of 90´s – 2000´s.

When I was seven or eight years old, I watch “Zona Latina”, a TV channel where show all videos that were hit of moment. So, with my friend returns of the school, and we started to dance for hours! every week!  was so funny! we loved this video, with the ants dancing, the rhythm, the choreography… One day, we liked saw the video, so we called to the TV show, and how I don´t know use the large distance, I called like ten times! jojojo. To final of this month, my mother almost killed me, because the TV bill was like $100.00!!! well, for this, I never more use the house´s phone.
I love this song. When I listen this group, I wish dance immediately and start a party. when I was a little girl, only enjoy, and don´t be problems or selection with the music, only danced!

Rumble fish summary

Rumble Fish is a story narrated by Rusty James. He finds himself with an old friend Steve, and they remember a story about a fight RJ was in. The flashback takes place when he is 14. Rusty James is a tough guy and says he had won every fight for the last two years. This time he fought a kid named Biff who was 16. They planned to fight at 8 o’clock. News spread about the fight and they were afraid it would turn into a gang fight, so each person brought their own friends. RJ’s friend Steve said he would go, but didn’t show up until the end. Instead, Motorcycle Boy came to the fight. When he arrived he distracted RJ, and Biff was able to stab him with a knife. RJ didn’t have a knife. After he gets stabbed, Steve shows up and Motorcycle Boy ends the fight by breaking Biff’s wrist. Steve, RJ and Motorcycle Boy go home instead of to a doctor to fix RJ’s wound. At the end, we find out that Motorcycle boy is really RJ’s brother